Naturopathic Care

Naturopathic Care:

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession, emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health using therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals’ inherent self-healing process.  The practice of naturopathic medicine includes modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods.

Back in the mid-90’s I was searching for alternative solutions to my own health issues. I came across a book written by a naturopathic doctor (ND). It described the principles of naturopathic medicine. These principals resonated so deeply with me that I pursued a degree in Naturopathic medicine.

Natural Medicine Principles:
Dis-ease is caused by an imbalance in the functioning of the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level of an individual. The imbalance produces symptoms, which are warning signs, expressions of the imbalance, telling us that we need to look at what we are doing to our body. We have a choice: we can suppress the symptoms, or we can treat the cause at the level in which it exists.

Tolle causam:

(Find the Cause) Doctors aim to remove the root cause of a patient’s condition instead of just treating symptoms. For example: if you find yourself using any medication for constipation, headaches, sleeping problems, allergies, frequent colds, rheumatic pains, skin disorders, etc. then ask yourself if your treatment plan is taking you a step closer to curing the disorder (removing the cause), or is it just alleviating the symptoms?

Vis Medicatrix Naturae:

(The Healing Power of Nature) When the obstacles to cure are removed and the bodily functions supported, the body has the ability to move towards a restorative state of health. Many symptoms are actually the body’s attempt to aid in the restoration process.

Primum non nocere:

(Above All, Do No Harm) Therapies are safe and non-toxic when used properly.


Doctors recognize that dis-ease is multifactorial. Heredity, diet, environment, lifestyle, emotions, etc. all affect the health of an individual. All aspects of the individual’s health are examined. 


Health is a prized possession. Why do we wait for symptoms of disease to appear before we start to value our health? Health is freedom from limitations. Doctors aim to keep patients free from disease on all levels.


The word “doctor” means “to teach”. Doctors aim to educate their patients so that they have the tools to make intelligent choices about factors that affect their health.  My goal is act as teacher, guide and resource. Clients are encouraged to accept responsibility for their health, ask questions and be active participants in their healing process.


As a Naturopathic doctor I have been trained in conventional clinical and physical diagnosis.  I can order lab tests and have outpatient privileges at Bartlett Regional Hospital.  I incorporate nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, biotherapeutic drainage, hydrotherapy and lifestyle counseling.   Additionally, I use non-invasive energetic assessment techniques in order to individualize treatment.  These include Auricular Medicine and NAET

Auricular Medicine
Auricular Medicine is an energetic reflex technique in which the pulse and filters are used to detect points on the ear. The points that show up on the ear can indicate the location of specific imbalances within the body. Through the use of filters, I am able to identify specific dysfunctions within the body.


Homeoprophylaxis or HP is the use of homeopathically prepared remedies designed to educate an individual’s immune system toward the infectious disease process.